as of late, i have more or less been "seeing the bigger picture".
last night i met a girl, who reminded me very much of myself 5 years ago in a nutshell. Oddly enough, shes had similar happenings in her childhood & so forth. It was bizzar talking to her, knowing full well that perhaps this was a younger version of myself.. at first glance, i was judgemental, she seemed annoying, and yes, she turned out to be too..but it was more than just that. She was piss drunk and her entire body showed of being sad or depressed, it was almost heartbreaking to sit there & look at this, almost mirror image of myself from when i was younger. Here she is, somewhat kept to herself in this momment of sheer drunkness, whereas earlier in the night, she was the loud mouth center of attention seeking girl who had the bubbly persona, yet a side that was bitchy & smartassed. At this point, i am weirded out. whos idea is it to put a mirror image of me from the past, and have me now conversating with this. as ackward as i felt, staring, sizing her up, i couldnt help but to feel sorry for her, whereas earlier i just hadnt liked her. so there i am, with her talking slowly and in an slightly husky voice telling me about her past & how her life was so bad. i couldnt help but to look at her in the eyes at this point, & say "who the fuck cares". of course, if i was myself then, i would have said this, but being who i am now, i simply said "dont let everyone know about your life, youll only gain pitty friends & no truth within them, wait and let people befriend you because they want to, not because they feel sorry for you, youll find your real friends this way, and sort the rest out as aquantiences"
i cant imagine the ordeals i put my friends through.
long story short, my horoscope seemed on point today, exp. after last night & watching a mirrored image of myself years ago.
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